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I believe in young people, in their power, potential and abilities.  As an art and design educator, I aim to inspire creativity in all students and nurture moments of artistic curiosity.  Students develop communication skills, learn to see, and express emotions by creating art.  Creating empowers, builds understanding across difference, and ultimately becomes a source of pride.  I strive to build a learning environment where students actualize their potential through creative practice.  In this process, students translate ideas, reflect on their work, and share the outcome with their communities.  I meet young people where they are, technically and creatively, capitalizing on personal strengths and identifying paths to overcome obstacles.  With appropriate teaching and guidance, everyone can engage with their ideas artistically, leading to deeper understanding across disciplines.



You can contact Nathan Bishop Middle School at 401-456-9344.  Or, to contact Ms. Sundaresh via email directly, please use the form below.


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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.